It's here, it's here...finally, at long last i have managed to own my own copy of Mark Miller's new series 'Nemesis'......
Got it yesterday and finished reading it within 10 minutes or so.......
Miller definitely hit the gold mine with this baby...i mean after 'wanted' and 'kick-ass' (i am talking about both the graphic novels and the films based on them) most of us comic readers (sorry perhaps the actual term is graphic novel readers) are waiting to see what magic Miller can cook up and here it is, it has finally hit the stores.....'NEMESIS'......
Take a good look at the front page below.....
Okay...i admit that the image of Nemesis sitting on the car and going guns blazing might evoke the comment ...'Oh great, another lousy and stupid comic character has been born'...i do admit that there are several such comic characters that should have never been created , who have posed themselves in such similar poses and have worn stupid costumes that give non comic readers the general idea that comic books are for idiots and people that just like to pass time as they have no purpose.....
But being honest we all know that this is just a bunch of bull@#%^ .
First of all several of the world's greatest writers, non comic that is have often commented on the power of manga, anima and other comics around the globe as great and inspiring to their own works.......
Comics books as of recent time have become very mature and more fashioned for serious readers....
Take death note and bitter virgin for example......
Anyway despite the weird costume and the pose, nemesis is different from anything that you have seen. For starters the story is pretty nice and interesting....just reading the first issue has got me all hooked up on the idea of reading the next one as soon as it releases.
And dont think for a moment that nemesis is a hero cause he is not...he's a that is sure to remind you of joker from the dark knight.......
His story starts off with him laying waste to half of tokyo and getting his target, the police chief of the city brutally killed buy having him run over by a train.....images below.....
Not wishing to give spoilers away i have chosen to let you read the comic book yourself and i can guarantee you that it will probably be a treat for you if you are a Millar fan.....Apparently Nemesis is Millar's current project and the story has already been written out entirely and now only the drawing and bringing the story to life using colourful pictures is left.....As a Millar fan i feel that he is getting more and more interesting with his stories and i seriously do hope that just like wanted and kick-ass, nemesis too will get made into a film. I know that reading just the first issue is too early to pass judgment but i am already sure that this is going to be another neat series from Millar.
So what are you waiting for, get out there and buy your own copy of 'Nemesis' or just download it for free from megauploads......and if you are doing that i suggest downloading and installing winrar first as the download file will be in cbr format and you will have to open it with winrar.
Anyhoo...thats all for now.....i am currently going to turn off my computer and head back to my hostel to get some grub before it's all gone......lunch hour is mad here.....and keep on the lookout for the second issue of nemesis.....
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